Why you should choose corozo instead of plastic?
Natural: Corozo nuts are a completely natural and biodegradable product made from the Tagua palm tree and a brilliant alternative to plastic.
Sustainable: The Tagua palm tree can produce 30-50lbs of nuts each year for about 100 years. These nuts fall naturally to the ground where they are carefully collected and this process does no harm to the tree or the rainforest.
Durable: made from naturally tough, virtually scratch resistant tightly wound organic fibres.
Responsible: Provides Local employment and is a source of income for thousands of local families.
Eco-friendly: The Rainforests: The Tagua palm tree industry does not damage the rainforests in the same way that banana plantations and cattle ranches can, which can lead to deforestation. In fact the more the Corozo industry grows, the less harm is made to the rainforests.
Commitment: Our range of Corozo buttons are manufactured here in Britain & Europe thus helping to support the EU clothing industry and protect skills and employment.
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